

    Tiruchirappalli City – Rock Fort City :
    Woraiyur, a part of present day Tiruchirappalli, was the capital city of Cholas from 300B.C. onwards. This is supported by archaeological evidences and ancient literatures. There are also literary sources which tell tha Woraiyur continued to be under the control of cholas even during the days of Kalabhra interrengnum(A.D. 300 – 575 ). Later, Woraiyur along with the present day Tiruchirappalli and its neighboring areas came under the control of Mahendra Varma Pallava I, who ascended the throne in A.D. 590. Till A.D. 880, according to the inscriptions, this region was under the hegemony of either the Pallvas or the Pandyas. It was in A.D. 880, Aditya Chola brought a downfall to the Pallava dynasty. From that time onwards Tiruchirappalli and its region became a part of Greater Cholas. In A.D. 1225 the area was occupied by the Hoysulas. Afterwards, it came under the rule of later Pandyas till the advent of Mughal Rule.

    Tiruchirappalli was for some time under the Mughal rule, which was put to an end by the Vijayanagar rulers. The Nayaks, the Governors of Vijayanagar empire, ruled this area till A.D. 1736. It was Viswanatha Nayaka who built the present day Teppakulam and the Fort. The Nayak dynasty came to an end during the days of Meenakshi.

    The Muslims rules this region again with the aid of either the French or the English armies. For some years, Tiruchirappalli was under the rule of Chanda Sahib and Mohamed Ali. Finally the English brought Tiruchirappalli and other areas under their control. Soon after the area was ceded to East India Company as per the agreement at the eve of the Kanatic war, Tiruchirappalli district was formed under the the Collectorship of Mr. John (Junior) Wallace in 1801. The district was then under the hegemony of British for about 150 years till the independence of India.

    Kallanai Dam :

    Kallanai also known as the The Grand Anicut, is an ancient dam built on the Kaveri River in the state of Tamil Nadu in Southern india. It is located about 20 KM from Tiruchirappalli. It was built by the Chola King Karikala Chola around the 2nd century and is considered one of the oldest water-diversion or water-regulator structure in the world, which is still in use. It still stands as a symbol of Dravidian Engineering.

    Tiruchirappalli Corporation:

    Tiruchirappalli is located at 10.8050°N 78.6856°E. The average elevation is 88 metres (289 ft). It is located almost at the geographic centre of the state of tamil Nadu. The topology of Tiruchirappalli is almost flat with a few isolated hillocks rising above the surface, thehighest of which is the Rockfort.

    Tirhirappalli is administrated by Tiruchrappalli City Muncipal Corporation established as per the Tiruchirappalli City Municipal Corporation Act 1994. As of 2001, the city covered an area of 146.9 square KM (56.7 sq.miles). Tiruchirappalli is weel-connected by road, rail and air. There are passenger flight services to destinations in South-East Asia and the Middle East.

    Tiruchirappalli is an important industrial and educational hub of central Tamil Nadu.

    The factories of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL),

    Golden Rock Railway Workshops,

    Ordnance Factory Tiruchirappalli (OFT) and Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project (HAPP) .

    The National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB) .

    The Anna University of Technology,

    Bharathidasan University,

    Indian Institutes of Management (IIM),

    National Institutes of Technology (NIT),

    Tamil Nadu National Law School have their campuses in the city.

    Indian Institute of Information Technology, Tiruchirappalli (IIITT) are located in Tiruchirappalli.

    Tiruchirappalli is internationally popular for a brand of cheroot known as the Trichinopoly cigar which was exported in large quantities to the United Kingdom in the 19th century.